Brighten up your garden verbena de San Juan

Fusion of pagan and religious festival, San Juan is a magical night
Across the country thousands of bonfires illuminate the shadows chasing away the sorrows and celebrating the arrival of longer days. And, of course, it is an ideal place to celebrate it in our garden, with our family or our best friends party. A garden where the king is fire, but it is essential to proper lighting. There are many options: you can put mini lamps, furniture that give light candles, but above all, you must not forget the potential of the outer lamp.
The outdoor lamp is any luminaire used to highlight any facade. They can be wall sconces, pendants ceiling, surface, beacons, or recessed. You must keep in mind that in such a special festival is the festival of San Juan, the lighting will be as important as any other details as may be textile or cutlery, and choose the correct distribution of outdoor lamps will allow you to create different bubbles of light offering your guests to enjoy different environments.
During the celebration of the festival often they turn different people who create their own circles. Some prefer to talk, others will choose to eat and others may want to dance.
Be sure to place ambient lighting to color the night, but also creates intimate corners dimly lit paper lanterns placed in corners or dimmers reserved for the guests.
On the other hand, the food table must always be well-lit. What you get with a coquettish lamps or table lamps hanging a fun colored paper on the gazebo.
Another interesting and original choice for the festival is to illuminate the ground. You can distribute skewers lamps, beacons or sobremuros, getting a unique and custom lighting.
We can not forget the advantages of LED lighting. Since the LED light has come into our lives it has become an almost indispensable and versatile decorative appeal. They can serve both to illuminate the most complex areas of our home and to make a beautiful curtain decorate a wall of our garden. In our verbena de San Juan we can use LED lights garlands hanging from the trees. A hammock or swing can also change completely with good lighting. And you placing some lights on your terrace or planters along the hedges in your garden, you will achieve a summery atmosphere of the most magical.
The lanterns are also an indispensable resource for San Juan. White, color, motif … You can choose the decoration you prefer for your lanterns. When generating an indirect light they are a good resource to give light to those dinners of summer, but without being entirely artificial. There are different sizes of paper lanterns. The larger lanterns are very useful to focus the illumination at a point while smaller lanterns garland can help you illuminate larger areas in a more subdued way.
And an interesting option for intimate environments can be solar lighting. Sunlamps are charged throughout the day with sunlight and when it gets light begin to loosen. You can use this type of lighting to create more intimate environments where light does not remove dim importance to your summer plans. In addition, these lamps do not even have to remember to turn them on or pay them because the load during the day, begin to light once they are fully charged.
Of course, a much more classic choice to illuminate your garden during the festival are the torches and candles multiple colors that provide a much more warm and dim light. Generally, the torches are made of bamboo or metal and fuel used to light them is oil or gas. We can also use citronella oil which can also serve as mosquito repellent.
On the candles, there are a thousand varieties of different colors, flavors, sizes … infinite combination! You can find them made with natural waxes, derived from plants and animal sources.
And finally, what you can not miss on a verbena of San Juan is the fire. Possibly you have it complicated to make a controlled bonfire in your garden. But do not despair, you can install a decorative burner or fireplace outside. You are biochimeneas bioethanol burners elegant design that seamlessly integrate into your garden.
Anyway, after putting out the fire, the definitive resource is always the classic outdoor lamp. If after the verbena, the next morning, you do not want to have to walk turning off or removing garlands candles outdoor lamps are practical and elegant decorative appeal. In addition to saving space you will get a more classical decor, yet cozy.