BlaBla Deco


Lámparas Led una nueva iluminación 2The incandescent light bulb has gone wing history, since September 2012 are no longer manufactured. Since then, the stakes are clear, but especially halogen lights, LED lamps and LED lamps. Here’s why:


The lighting market has so far given us many options, but has never thought about whether it could harm our environment. Only the LED, LED lamps and LED lamps, technology solutions offer ecological lighting for our homes.

Incandescent bulbs (the lifetime) were an invention of the year 1880, which over the years has been improving with new technologies: such as fluorescent, low consumption, etc. They have really gone the energy consumption, but regardless of the environment and natural resources.

It turns out that energy saving bulbs, the same as we recommended governments to save energy, have a very serious negative. Besides its maximum output light intensity is never instantaneous, these bulbs contain toxic elements for our planet and for us. Some of them exceed 6mg mercury.

Fortunately there are other options to light our homes and businesses without harming the planet. LED technology contains not a gram of mercury, nor emit ultraviolet (UV), so not produce heat or attract insects.

The great advantage of LED technology is the very low power consumption. This is due to the fact that the LEDs produce much more light per watt (W) other bulbs. For example, an incandescent bulb having a power 40W, produces a 40W power consumption. Use of only 20% power, the rest is heat.

That is, incandescent and halogen bulbs consume the same energy as the power they provide. However, a 6W LED bulb gives us the same power as 40W, spending a 80% less energy. Take advantage of the 90% of the energy they consume.

Another advantage that LED technology is its long service life of 50,000 hours because they lack filaments. Unlike incandescent (1.000h) and halogen (2.500h) that because of this reason they make your life much shorter.


The reasons are very clear, leaving the most important is the ecological margin:

80% savings in electricity consumption.
Life far superior to all types of bulbs on the market. 50,000 hours
Significant savings in maintenance costs for medium and large enterprises.
Do not generate heat.
They have no breakable filaments.
Instant on.
Impact resistance and vibration.
Reduce light pollution.
sharp and bright light.
A domestic example: Suppose in a private home, with 15 halogen 12V 50W, the LED bulbs we changed the same format but 6W (approximate equivalence of 45W). And that we had daily burning about 2 hours. We produce an annual saving of € 70.00. We keep in mind that we amortize the cost difference of LED bulbs, but once written off that expense, keep in mind that they will last 20 times longer than halogen bulbs.

A professional example: In a company that had about 500 halogen 50W power. And we change light bulbs of the same format, but being 6W LED, for 8 hours a day, would mean an annual saving of 9,300 € per year, representing nearly € 800 monthly.


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Nicola Picasso, padre y marido enamorado es un apasionado del deporte, especialmente del trail running. Atleta X-Bionic, Tailwind Trailblazer y Bamboolabs Ambassador, ha hecho de su afición por correr toda una aventura que trasciende las redes sociales.

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