BlaBla Deco


Lately it gives the impression that if you do not have a robot vacuum cleaner at home you do not have the ultimate weapon against dust and dirt. And that all other conventional vacuum cleaners have nothing to do before their magical powers.

It is true that a robot vacuum cleaner has certain advantages that the traditional vacuum cleaner lacks. But it’s also true that if we compare, there really is not that much difference. At least as for «cleaning factor». Perhaps if we compare Roomba’s latest model with our old bag vacuum cleaner, it is clear who will win. But in general, beyond a certain comfort, there are not many differences in domestic efficiency.

On the other hand, if we can find quite a few customers dissatisfied because their robot suction is not as wonderful as they painted it.



This was the title of an article in a blog technology and has barely a year and a half that addressed precisely this issue. In it, the writer commented that he had already had four different models of robot vacuum cleaner. And not four any: a Samsung, an LG and two Roomba. And he felt so defrauded on so many levels that he had come back to his broom for life.

The article commented on a number of things that «make» the vacuum cleaners robots. Perhaps the most modern models like the Roomba 960 do not. But this list of remedies remains valid for most models on the market:

They stand in remote places for no apparent reason (such as under the bed, right in the center).
Suicide on the stairs (despite the sensors).
Get tangled up in the wires and pull them off with fury.
Shoot a ficus, throw it and then do not clean it.
Hit objects (this usually happens with cheaper models)
Getting tangled in long-haired carpets.



That article followed with an interesting section of myths about vacuuming robots. And, as with the previous list, many of them are still just as valid:

The robot vacuum cleaner is silent

We have been sold the idea that the vacuum cleaner robot is a silent device. Compare: vacuum cleaners are in a noise range of 60 to 70 decibels, a traditional vacuum cleaner moves in a noise range of 68-83 decibels.

With these data, we can say that, in general, conventional nozzles are much noisier. It is also normal. There are many more makes and models available. But on the other hand, the range of between 60 and 70 decibels is not exactly silence.

In addition, some vacuum cleaners have curious habits, such as talking loudly when they have a mistake, making loud tones or happy tunes when they have finished their task.

The vacuum cleaner robot loads itself

With the newer models like the latest Roomba series this no longer happens, but with other gadgets it does happen that sometimes they are able to get lost in a small empty room looking for their cargo base.

With the robot vacuum cleaner we save work

Unfortunately, not all vacuum cleaners are as efficient at vacuuming as they would have us believe. As much they are a good help for the soil to be kept half clean. And they are not particularly resolute with areas of difficult access.

To this must be added the maintenance, the rescues when they are squeezed in complicated areas and the periodic cleaning of the brushes.


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