Summer invites you to enjoy the outdoor spaces, scenes full of life, where light is the key element, interacting with people and creating the ideal climate for our evening special. Light creates, shapes and gives life, and Vibia lamps help you improve that magical interaction.
In Vibia, they have the vocation to create solutions that meet the needs of people in different contexts. During the process of designing a space, lighting becomes transverse element to its architecture, interior design and use. The Vibia lamps help to create the right atmosphere so that the experience of living every space is full and unique.
This summer, Vibia offers the collection of outdoor lights JUNE inspired moments of encounter and joy of summer verbena. Are lamps that adapt to any environment, solving the light proximity in the garden and meeting the needs of warm light for life on the outside.
LED light sources-art, exquisitely applied, provide a soft and comfortable light, JUNE can lean on the wall, a tree or other vertical surface, composing a garland of lights or a desktop.
In visual terms, its organic shape and variety of finishes (broken kaki green and white) are similar to the current language of garden furniture. In addition, the structure of steel rods arranged in a circular, projects around pleasant effects of radial light.
Its pure and straight lines that achieve full integration in space, encouraging moments of pause and rest. In addition, the use of LED light sources located invisibly in the inner part of its structure, makes EMPTY at a mark that illuminates and points with a comfortable light areas outdoor use. Through a suggestive lighting Vibia EMPTY creates a space of peace and tranquility, which transforms the sunset in a wonderful visual spectacle of illuminated planes defining contours.