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There is nothing more depressing for a person who wants to lose weight who, after a week of strict diet and intense exercise, climb on the bathroom scale and observe that not only the weight remains the same, but perhaps even increased.

But what if those disappointing results did not reflect a real result? What if the problem is in the way we use our bathroom scale?

Dr. Saleyha Ahsan, who runs the BBC program «Trust Me, I’m a Doctor», did some research on the subject. And he discovered that, unfortunately, we can not always rely on our bathroom scale. In this articles we explain why.



Imagine that you aim to lose half a kilo every week. It is not very ambitious and it is simple to find out with regret in your bathroom scale. However, as Dr. Ahsan states, the problem is that throughout the day our weight can fluctuate up to 2 kg.

And why is this fluctuation? According to Dr. Ahsan, this fluctuation is due to several reasons, including the amount of food, drink, exercise and visits to the bathroom that we made throughout the day. It’s very simple, we do not weigh the same just when we just get up than if we measured it before going to sleep.

On the other hand, Dr. Dawn Jackson Blatner, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA), emphasizes, among other factors, the consumption of foods rich in starch (such as bread, rice or pasta) or salted, as well as Also other important factors like the climate or the retention of liquids due to hormonal changes.

So what should we do to correctly assess the evolution of our weight?



If we want to get correct measures of our weight, we must follow the following tips:

Always weigh us at the same time of day. As we said before the weight fluctuates throughout the day.
Always do it the same day of the week.
Always place the bath scale on the same surface. It is also important to avoid placing the scale on a carpet because it can give readings far removed from reality.
Of course, always use the same bath scale.
And weigh ourselves always in the same conditions. That is, with the same clothes, or without it.



According to Dr. Jackson, for people who want to lose weight, weighing themselves is an efficient way to measure the progress and success of their efforts. In that case, Dr. Ahsan advises weighing himself at the same time each day and, at the weekend, calculating the average value. According to the doctor, after a few weeks we will get our exact weight.

In fact, according to a recent study, those who weigh themselves every day are more likely to succeed in achieving their weekly success goals.

Anyway, Dr. Jackson recommends that it is best to weigh yourself once a week to avoid obsessing with the scale. As long as we do it the same day, as Dr. Ahsan remembers.


En su segunda juventud ha descubierto la pasión de escribir. Cuando no se pierde entre fantasías futuristas y pesadillas infernales se dedica a divagar sobre cualquier tema que llame su atención. ¡Todo lo parece interesante! Y es que un escritor puede encontrar la inspiración en las fuentes más inesperadas...

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