In the whole process of the laundry there are a few stages that are usually quite unpopular. Ironing clothes is usually one of them. Come on, it’s not something that has a lot of fans. Then comes the subject of folding it. And no, it is not something that is very popular either. But fortunately for us, it seems that soon that is not going to be a problem, thanks to the first commercial iron dryer. This wonderful device is called FoldiMate and it is an automatic iron dryer that not only takes care of drying and ironing clothes for you, but also leaves it perfectly folded.   THE FOLDIMATE IRON DRYER Its creators, a startup based in California (United […]

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En todo el proceso de la colada hay unas cuantas etapas que suelen ser bastante poco populares. Planchar ropa suele ser una de ellas. Vamos que no es algo que tenga muchos fans. Luego viene el tema de doblarla. Y no, tampoco no es algo que sea muy popular. Pero por suerte para nosotros, parece ser que en breve eso ya no va a ser un problema, gracias a la primera secadora planchadora comercial. Este maravilloso aparato se llama FoldiMate y es una secadora planchadora automática que no sólo se encarga de secar y planchar la ropa por ti, sino que además después la deja perfectamente doblada. LA SECADORA PLANCHADORA FOLDIMATE Sus creadores, una startup con sede en California (Estados […]

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The blender is one of the most practical kitchen accessories that can be found in our home. With this small appliance we can prepare juices, shakes and smoothies, but we can also cook delicious sauces for our favorite dishes and we can delight ourselves with fantastic purees and creams. And even we can chop ice to prepare slush or cocktails! But to know how to take full advantage of our blender, it is important to know how to use it properly. So today we make a little guide to use this fantastic appliance.   THE BLENDER. FIRST POINT Well, these first tips will seem silly, but they never hurt. Of course, the first thing you must make sure to use […]

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La batidora de vaso, también conocida como batidora americana, es uno de los complementos de cocina más prácticos que podemos encontrar en nuestro hogar. Con este pequeño electrodoméstico podemos prepararnos zumos, batidos y smoothies, pero también podemos cocinar deliciosas salsas para nuestros platos favoritos y podemos deleitarnos con fantásticos purés y cremas. ¡E incluso podemos picar hielo para prepararnos granizados o cócteles! Pero para poder saber cómo sacarle todo el partido a nuestra batidora de vaso, es importante que sepamos cómo usarla correctamente. Así que hoy os hacemos una pequeña guía de uso de este fantástico electrodoméstico. LA BATIDORA DE VASO. PRIMER PUNTO Bien, estos primeros consejos os parecerán una tontería, pero nunca están de más. Por supuesto, lo primero […]

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One of the most normal things that we can find is that we get stuck some drain at home. As careful as we are, it is the most common. Especially with the shower and the kitchen sink. In the shower, of course, that’s where the hairs of the whole family go; And in the kitchen, it happens because they accumulate remains of dirt. The truth is that it is a problem that could easily be avoided with a little maintenance. Today we will explain how to solve these drain at home.   UNLOCK A DRAIN IN THE SINK The most commonly stuck drain at home is usually that of the kitchen sink. When we see the water trickling slowly, it […]

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Vibia is a brand of designer luminaires founded in Barcelona 30 years ago. It stands out for creating lamps with different and innovative designs, focusing on finishes and details made by hand and manufactured with the highest quality materials. Vibia offers a wide and varied catalog of lamps that is constantly evolving. Always with the banner of innovation ahead to respond to the creative needs required by interior design. The success of Vibia Lamps lies in relying on the inspiration of its «creators of spaces». A team of professionals formed by interior designers, lighting designers, architects and artists with complete freedom to develop their creativity complementing each other. For this brand, while designing a space, light, the lighting is transformed […]

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With the arrival of the good weather, we feel like rediscovering the possibilities of our gardens. It is no longer necessary for us to remain indoors for long hours in the cold. We can enjoy the pleasure of spending long evenings accompanied by ours, family, friends and start thinking about preparing those delicious dinners under the light of pendant lamps. Because to enjoy a garden at night is basic good lighting, and the strategic light offered by hanging lamps is ideal for such pleasant evenings. That’s why today we offer a TOP 3 of the best pendant lamps for the garden. So that you have where to choose:   TOP 3 PENDANT LAMPS. FORA – S OF BOVER The Fora […]

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Wall sconces, as the name suggests, is a type of lamp that hangs on the walls. They are usually hung in the walls or columns of the houses, being it possible to be inside or outside. When placed inside houses can be placed in any room, but are especially useful in corridors, hallways and other areas of passage because of their small size. The main utility of the wall sconces is decorative, although they also provide a pleasant indirect light or lateral light in the room or in the space in which they are placed. Its most obvious advantage over other luminaires lies in the fact that they occupy much less space without hindering the passage of people or space […]

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Un desatasco express es la mejor y más rápida solución para un atasco de tuberías, bajantes, alcantarillado o red de saneamiento. Porque cuando las alcantarillas se atascan lo que se necesita es una respuestas rápida y eficiente, sin esperas. Las consecuencias de un atasco de esta magnitud son superiores al simple atasco de un desagüe en casa y la respuesta debe ser proporcional. Por eso se debe contratar un destasco express, un servicio profesional que solucione el problema lo más rápido posible. LA IMPORTANCIA DEL ALCANTARILLADO La red de alcantarillado es una estructura hidráulica que funciona a presión atmosférica. Están constituidas por tuberías, normalmente canales de sección circular, oval, o compuesta, enterrados la mayoría de las veces bajo las vías […]

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Encontrarnos con atascos en las tuberías de nuestro hogar es una pesadilla. Siempre ocurren en el momento más inoportuno, son costosos y consumen mucho tiempo. Sin mencionar los malos olores. Algo que podría haberse solucionado con un adecuado mantenimiento de fregaderos, lavabos, wc y desagües. Una vez se ha obstruido la cañería, ya no queda más remedio que utilizar productos nocivos o ponerse en manos de un profesional. Dependiendo del atasco, una obstrucción puede llegar a afectar a la comunidad de vecinos o al alcantarillado municipal. En cambio, nos podemos ahorrar todos esos problemas siguiendo un uso adecuado de fregaderos, lavabos, wc y desagües. MANTENIMIENTO BÁSICO DE FREGADEROS, LAVABOS, WC Y DESAGÜES Para tener limpias las tuberías y evitar atascos, […]

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